
II.     A great starting point

2 – 1     A little rabbit

A week later, SOLAIRE and LUNAIRE,
they have met with a shining White Rabbit, big and very round eyes.
— Who are you, my little rabbit ?     SOLAIRE asks.
SOLAIRE and LUNAIRE, they ran after him, a White Rabbit …………………….
— Phew ! Oh my gosh !  We are far away from our circus.
Actually in the distance, the circus-tent shining rosy can be seen clearly
against the dawn sky.
— We’re going on a trip.     SOLAIRE propose to set off on a long journey.
— Say what ? !    For reals ! a trip……….?    No, No I don’t want to.
I am afraid, I can’t.   Are you crazy or what ?
LUNAIRE, she absolutely disagrees with SOLAIRE.
Yeah, why ?    I mean it !    You always worry too much.
Good, don’t you worry.   First and foremost, confidence in our future.
It’s going to be OK.
     SOLAIRE says.
— Why should I ?    I’m not into it.    I’d rather stay here.    Let it go !
LUNAIRE answers, shakes her head “No”.
— No worries. it will be fine.    A long journey !     Let’s go !
Don’t worry, I’m sure everything is OK.
— I can not say no, but……….    Where are you going ?    Wait, wait !
Hang on !    SOLAIRE !    Don’t leave me alone in this world.
— We go in search of Neverland !    Let’s go, LUNAIRE !
It’s a beautiful day.    To Neverland !
I do believe in LEGEND OF THE JUNGLE mother wolf often told us !
SOLAIRE cries out with pleasure.
— LEGEND OF THE JUNGLE ??????    Mother wolf ??????
Say what ?    How’s that again ?    For reals !    Don’t be silly !

LUNAIRE is just surprised.
— Oh, yeah ! Let’s go !

« We’ll continue this beautiful journey through mountains
and valleys.   We’ll sleep under the stars.
That’s just where The Seven Seas cross the Tropic of Cancer,
there will be Neverland we are trying to get to.
Tomorrow, at daybreak, we’ll go to see you walking barefoot. »

2 – 2     Blue fox

They follow the path full of flowers in half an hour under the spring sun.
They ran into a Fox in full dress.
— Who are you ?     SOLAIR asks.
— I’m well known as “Monsieur Bleu-fox” amongst students.
This mustache is popular now.
Your shiny costumes are so nice.  Well, it looks really lovely.
Why are we here ?    It is a great day for a walk to get some fresh air.
He replies with full dignity.
Both of them, they are dressed in silver-coloured costumes.
One is the sun-design, and the other is the moon-design.
— May I ask you a question, if you don’t mind ?   LUNAIRE says.
— Of course, with pleasure.   Blue fox says.
— Haven’t you seen a little rabbit by any chance ?    SOLAIRE asks.
— I’ve never seen.    But just a while ago, I saw a boy in costume of
sailor, violin in hand.   Blue fox says.
— Did you talk to him ?     SOLAIRE asks.
— Fantastic !    That’s lucky, I assure you.
Let me see, he followed this path.
Blue fox, he guides them to follow the right path.
— Everything is going to be fine.
Well, good luck to you !     
Blue fox says.
— Thank you for your kindness.     SOLAIRE says.
— You’re welcome.    I’m glad I could help.   I’m always nice and kind.
Have a nice day !     
Monsieur Bleu-fox says.

SOLAIRE et LUNAIRE, they say goodbye to Blue fox.
— It’s our lucky day ! ?
He looks different from our friends, our dear animals in the circus.
It’s a bit weird ?    We met at the perfect time ?    It’s not an old-fox ?

— You won’t believe him ?    He is very kind.
— I no longer know where I am.
— Don’t worry !    What a sunny day.   Beautiful day !    Let’s go !
We’re young, a bright future lies ahead of us.
Là, là, là, là, là…… It’s picnic weather !
— I’m afraid, SOLAIRE……….
— A early spring breeze is blowing through the field.   I love so !
I want to hold you. You are gentle and lovely forever.
Let’s go, LUNAIRE !
A breath of freedom says we are the children of the earth.
SOLAIRE walks in front.
Marchons !  Marchons Marchons !
also attracted to the spring breeze, follows the path.

2 – 3     JEUNESSE

— Hey, How’s it going ?    Can I play too ?    Let’s get started.
A boy in costume of sailor appears all of a sudden, approaches them
and then he gives a pleased smile.
— Who are you ?      SOLAIRE asks him.
A boy, he ran away all at once without saying a word.
— Hold on, please !    Hold on !     LUNAIRE cries.
— Any updates ?    This is your lucky day.
First of all, you have to know who I am.     
A mysterious boy replies.
— Who are you ?      SOLAIRE ask him once more.
— What’s your name ?    What are you, then ?     LUNAIRE ask him.
— No one.    Follow me !    Wanna join ?
A boy beckons them to join him.
— Who in the world are you ?      SOLAIRE asks again.
— Hey, where did you come from ?    Where are you going ?
LUNAIRE asks also.
— Take a guess, if you can.      A boy answers
from afar.

— He’s always got a big smile on his face.
He’s no fool, but………. I don’t get it.     
— Who is he ?    He’s laughing like a whale.      SOLAIRE says.
— “JEUNESSE”, we call him from now on.
It may happen that he knows our father or the way to Neverland.
Let’s go ! SOLAIRE.     
— ? ? ? ? You’re more vigorous than ever, LUNAIRE.
Let’s go !    We are midst of springtime of life.    It’s spring.
We’ll make it.

A gentle breeze is blowing.
Young leaves on trees are so beautiful in the spring sunshine.






2 – 4     An eagle

On the long path full of flowers,
they saw a black bird fly in the spring-blue sky.
— Look at it.    A black eagle, that’s fantastic, marvelous !     LUNAIRE says.
— Great ! That’s fantastic.
We’ll fly with our own wings just like him, we also.     
— But, in which direction ?     LUNAIRE asks.
— He may know the way.    We’ll follow him.      SOLAIRE says.
— Nice day.    Not a cloud in the sky.
The beautiful sky and comfortable weather !

LUNAIRE, he’s in a good mood.
— Perfect starting day.
SOLAIRE has been captivated by the beauty of a black eagle.
He feels happy.

« No bird flies higher than our imagination. »
Jumping with joy, LUNAIRE breaks into song.

But unfortunately they’ve tried to follow an eagle marvelous, but in vain.
After a while, he disappeared into the clouds,
already out of sight,……………………..
— You’re a bird. Phew….. You fly over the unknown land.
SOLAIRE breathes a sigh.
— If only I could fly together with you ………….!!
LUNAIRE looks up to the big sky, to his dream.

2 – 5     JEUNESSE once again

— Here comes JEUNESSE, you see !
LUNAIRE find him along the way.
JEUNESSE, he cracks walnuts with his teeth all the time and
he walks away waving goodbye to them.      ” It’s not my day. “
— I can see him through his voice.      SOLAIRE says.
— I got used to his light footsteps.       LUNAIRE continues.
— He is capricious.     
— He pretends not to know us.      LUNAIRE continues.
— His profile is quite lovely with a small hair ball.     SOLAIRE says.
— He walks around.    He’s an amazing dreamer.     LUNAIRE continues.
— But who is he ?
— Then who is he ?
The riddle : The question remains unanswered.

« You’ll be seduced by songs,
our JEUNESSE talks non-stop with your innocent smiling face. »


« In your eyes, we find happiness that we don’t know yet.
In mid-summer, one summer is too short to fall in love with you,
too far to hug you, too brilliant to stare at you,
too late to forget you.
If you remember the dazzling color of Valencia oranges
in the blue sky, return to me, ma JEUNESSE, sweetheart, please. »


« After Goddesses have passed through the ancient road,
holding up high their white-colored fans in their hands,
our JEUNESSE rascal, you’ll appear in front of us,
with hushed steps, from behind Pampas-grass. » 

Uminari ( Ocean rumbling )      A puzzle of labyrinth