
III.      A balcony in the dark forest

3 – 1      A one-legged wolf

Following an eagle, they got lost in the dark forest.
— Around here, it’s dark even in the daytime.    SOLAIRE says.
— It’s dark….as though into the den of the wolf.
I’m scared.    Oh my gosh !   
LUNAIRE breaks down crying.
Frightened, they stare at each other.
Suddenly, a monster with only one-leg, secretly appeared
drooling over them.
It was the big bad wolf.
— LUNARE, let’s get out of here !   SOLAIRE cries.
They begin to run together.
— SOLAIRE, SOLAIRE, help me, help please !   LUNARE cries.
— LUNAIRE, get out of here !   SOLAIRE cries.
LUNAIRE disguises himself as a deer.
Being united as one, they separated from each other for the first time ever.
They’ve lost their way in the dark and deep forest.

««« Huge and motionless, there he was, sitting on his hindquarters,
looking at the little white goat and tasting it in advance.
He knew well that he would eventually eat her, so he was in no hurry;
she turned away, he laughed maliciously.
— Ha! Ha!  Monsieur Seguin’s little kid goat !
Blanquette felt all was lost……
It only took a moment’s thought about the story of old Renaude,
who became the wolf’s meal after bravely fighting all night,
she said to herself that it would have been better to let herself be eaten
there and then.
Then, having changed her mind, she fell on guard to the big bad wolf,
head down, horns ready.
Not that she expected to kill a wolf ─ goats don’t kill wolves ─
but just to see if she could last as long as Renaude……..
The big bad wolf drew near, her little horns began to dance.
Oh ! the brave little kid goat; how she went at it with such a great heart.
Over ten times, I’ll swear, Gringoire, she forced the wolf back
to catch his breath.
During these truces of a minute, the gourmand grabbed another blade of
her beloved herb, still munching, joined the battle again…….
The battle went on all night long.
Now and then, Monsieur Seguin’s kid goat looked up at the twinkling stars
in the clear sky, and she said to herself;
— Oh dear, if only I could last out until the dawn, if only… at daybreak.
One by one the stars faded away.
Blanquette redoubled her horn blows, the wolf replied with his teeth.
The pale light of dawn appeared over the horizon.
A cockerel crowed hoarsely from a farm below.
— At last ! said the poor animal, who was only waiting for the daybreak
so that she could die bravely; and she laid herself down on the ground,
her beautiful white fur stained with blood……….
It was then, at last,
that the evil wolf fell on the little goat and devoured her. »»»

* The Goat of Monsieur Seguin by Alphonse Daudet 1866

3 – 2      A swamp

SOLAIRE, exhausted with fatigue, was falling asleep………………….


Half in a Dream
SOLAIRE, he almost drowned in a swamp.
One more step, and he would have fallen into the water.
Grabbing him by the arm, Father lifts SOLAIRE firmly to his chest.
« ——- Why can I abandon you, my child ?
SOLAIRE se jette dans les bras de son père.
— Dad, I was so scared.     ——-My Solaire,
you’ve got to come and see me at the Château with Lunaire. »
SOLAIRE falls into a deep sleep in his father’s arms.


— Well now, wake up, sweetie.
A shining White Rabbit whispers in SOLAIRE’s ear.
— Hurry up !    The sun’s coming up very soon. White Rabbit says.
— You… you sure can talk ?   My dear White Rabbit, you’re a sweetheart.
SOLAIRE asks him.LAPIN, with big eyes as blue as the sea,
indicates to SOLAIRE the way leading to the Place towards the sea.

3 – 3      A primrose

LUNAIRE, , all alone,
keeps running to get away from the dangerous forest
and finally reaches the field.
She gives in to the lazy mind and falls asleep on the green grass.


Half in a Dream

Father draws LUNAIRE into his arms to hold her.
« ——- My Lunaire.
LUNAIRE, being exhausted, she throws herself into her father’s arms.
— Dad, you smell of the earth……….
I’m all alone without Solaire, I’m …………I’m …………
I’ll give you a blue primrose.

——- My Lunaire,
you’ve got to come and see me at the Château with Solaire. »

« Listen carefully,
and you’ll hear a spring thunderstorm’s parade of triumph,
guiding soldiers of dandelion who dance in the wind. »

LUNAIRE falls into a deep sleep in his father’s arms.


3 – 4      An old well

« And all of a sudden, summer rain comes and makes us anxious.
Trembling in the winds, getting wet from the rain,
we’ve lost the way to Neverland.

SOLAIRE hears LUNAIRE singing alone somewhere else.   
LUNAIRE’s voice !
At the Plaza, SOLAIRE finds LUNAIRE sitting down beside an old well
whose water reflects the evening full moon.
— Where were you !
— Where were you !    There you are.
They’re shouting at the same time.
— I was in danger ! That was a close one.
— I almost lost you.
They draw water from the well and drink it.
At the bottom of the well, shines gently 
and smiles sweetly
a bright full moon.
— Look !    Over there ! two moons, quite the same just like us.
— I met our father in a dream.    SOLAIRE says.
— Me too, in a dream.    Let’s hurry to the Château !
LUNAIRE suggests.
— Look ! You can see a great tree far away.    SOLAIRE says.
— Much greater and more beautiful than the others.    LUNAIRE says.
— Surely, we can get out of this terrible forest.    SOLAIRE says.
They both start anew hand in hand, aiming for that great tree.
But indeed, in three with their dear LAPIN.

Bonbori ( A candlestick ) A puzzle of labyrinth