


Jean-Paul Sartre
French philosopher, author, novelist, died on 15 April 1980 in Paris.
1. The Imaginary   1940
2. Being and Nothingness   1943
3. Search for a Method   1960
4. Critique of Dialectical Reason   1960
5. Existentialism is a Humanism   1946
6. Situations   1947–65
7. Baudelaire   1947
8. The Flies   1943
9. No Exit   1945
10. Dirty Hands   1948
11. The Condemned of Altona   1959
12. The Trojan Women   1965
13. The Words   1963
14. The Wall   1937
15. Intimacy   1938
16. Nausea   1938
17. The Roads to Freedom   1945-1949
□□□□□The Age of Reason   1945
□□□□□The Reprieve   1945
□□□□□Iron in the Soul   1949
□□□□□The Last Chance   1949  (unfinished)

Tomorrow morning, she goes to Montparnasse-Bienvenüe
to offer flowers, to her promise on his knees in Jardin de Luxembourg
when she was very young.

— You think life is short ?
— Yes, I think so.

— ETERNITY, you believe in ?
— Yes, I do believe.
— With you, I also believe in eternity.

— I will complete your novels ” Les Chemins de la liberté IV ”
You sleep at Montparnasse-Bienvenüe.
I’m familiar with this neighborhood.
Please leave me a song.

— Which flower do you like, you want ?
— Any flower………………..
…………Time to ! ………………..

Six o’clock bells, they announce the closing.

E  N  D
September 2022

Story and drawing : RiéTan

Profile: Born in Yokohama, Japan
BA in French literature from Waseda University.
□□Professeur Hiroshi Motoaki and Professeur Kyuichiro Inoue,
□□I really appreciate your courtesy.
Université de Paris-Sorbonne 1973-1975

My Tuck, If you look at me, I couldn’t be happier.


